Log in or register

To enter a brevet online you must register on the website first.

We'll send a link for creating an account to the email address you provided. This link will be valid for an hour. Also keep an eye on your spam folder and/or whitelist email coming from *@randonneurs.nl

We'll send a link for resetting your password to the email address you provided. This link will be valid for an hour. Also keep an eye on your spam folder and/or whitelist email coming from *@randonneurs.nl

alternative: use Strava to log in

connect with strava
Contact - Randonneurs NL


For information about a specific brevet, please email the organisator; the email address is listed on the page of the brevet. For general inquiries please email   info@randonneurs.nl If there's a problemen with the website contact   webmaster@randonneurs.nl (Peter)

Randonneurs Nederland is an association registered at the Dutch  chamber of commerce under number 40410496. The IBAN of our bank account is NL30 INGB 0001 6923 24 and the BIC of our bank is INGBNL2A

The board of directors currently consists of:

  • Bart Verheijen (chair) — voorzitter@randonneurs.nl
  • Pim Heijnen (secretary) — secretaris@randonneurs.nl
  • Peter Fokkinga (treasurer) — penningmeester@randonneurs.nl
  • Hans Westheim (events) — brevetcoordinator@randonneurs.nl
